
With the global warming crisis getting rapidly worse year on year, there has never been a greater need for sustainable changes in our homes. An eco-friendly kitchen isn’t all about plants and recycling- it can also provide style and substance to your daily home-life. A complete revamp is not what’s needed to make your kitchen eco-friendly. There are things you can do to make your space more environmentally friendly, more energy efficient, and less wasteful. 

Here is a list on how to make your kitchen Eco-Friendly: 

-Kitchen Furniture and Utensils 

Furniture that is eco-friendly should be made of sustainable materials that can be renewed rapidly, such as bamboo. Bamboo is a highly sustainable material as it absorbs double the carbon dioxide of other trees and plants, making it the perfect material for any environmentally conscious homeowner. Sustainable pieces are built to stand the test of time and shift the perception of furniture being disposable. Up-cycling furniture has also become hugely popular, especially during lockdown. Many people have up-cycled their kitchen cabinets, table and sitting, utilising their DIY skills and revamping on a budget. 

-Saving Water 

There are simple ways to save water and make your kitchen more water efficient, while also lowering your water bill! One of the easiest ways to save water is by investing in an energy efficient dishwasher. These will use far less water than washing the equivalent dishes by hand, and also saving you the time and effort! Another simple way to cut down your water usage is to implement a hot water tap for your hot water on demand, rather than having to use the kettle. This will allow you to use the exact amount of water you need. Kettles are one of the highest electricity consuming appliances in your home so avoiding it will help reduce your overall energy consumption.  

-Choose the Right Lighting

The lighting in your kitchen is one of the most important elements in the planning process. There are plenty of ways you can make the lighting more efficient. A key tip is to only use light where it is needed. Having loads of light around your kitchen may seem like a good idea, but it’s not overly beneficial to the look and feel of your kitchen. Finding the right balance of lighting is important to creating that warm, ambient feel to your kitchen. LED lighting can help make your kitchen more energy efficient. Whether you choose spotlights or bulbs, LED bulbs look fresh and modern, use less energy than traditional fluorescent lighting, and last much longer than standard bulbs. 

Here at Torbitts we are more than happy to integrate any eco-friendly elements you want to add to your kitchen. With our years of experience, we can pass on our knowledge to ensure you make the best choice. Contact us today for all kitchen inquiries.


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